The maze, the puzzle and the riddle
You are probably ending up on this page looking for a solution of the maze posted our Instagram. Congratulations this is the right place.
So what? Why? How? Well I like maze. I like puzzles. I like riddles.
And so I wanted to combine the three. That may create something interesting.
The maze
First let’s build a maze. There are so many different forms of mazes. I would stick to a simple design.
There will be one entry, one exit or one goal, a series of passages and junctions; and only one successful path and no loop. This is what is called a standard or perfect maze.
There are many approaches for creating a maze; and especially algorithms can generate layouts of perfect maze. This is brilliant and a quick way to experiment.
Thanks to this Maze Generator website I could easily try out different shapes like rectangular, triangular, hexagonal or circular. And changes settings to play with the size and patterns.
I’ve opted for the round maze. It looks pleasant and well balanced. So I’ve generated the below maze as template and layered some paint on top.

The puzzle
This is a simple puzzle really, I wanted to experiment a grid layout on Instagram. The puzzle is a series of nine images displayed consecutively. They appear as a larger image when scrolling the account.
I like this collage from wild bloom creative and I may try a similar one someday.

The riddle
The riddle has two aspects, first the quotes. They are all from animated films, mainly Pixar. This studio has so many inspiring stories, characters and graphics.
Your mind is like water. When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see, but when you let it settle; the answer becomes clear. – Oogway, Kung Fu Panda
There is a whole lot more to racing than just winning. – Tex, Cars
Nobody is entitled to anything. Anyone can become an artist; you just have to make a choice. – Anton Ego, Ratatouille
The only thing predictable about life is it’s unpredictability. – Ratatouille
To infinity and beyond! -Lightbuzz, Toy Story
As long as we are together; it doesn’t matter to me. – Marty, Madagascar
‘Greater good?’ I am your wife! I’m the greatest good you’re ever gonna get! – Honey, Incredibles
I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now – Edna Mode, Incredibles
Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one. -Ellie, Up
The quote
This the full picture of the maze, painted and post-processed including the solution.

Now if you follow the trail of the puzzle, you can read this famous quote from John Mason.
You were born an original, don’t die a copy.
This encompasses the quotes above from Pixar, inspiring and spark self-reflection. Tada!
l will experiment other concepts. Stay tuned.
If you know any interesting experiments with maze, riddles, puzzles in social media I would be really excited if you could share them – use the comment section below.